Who we are
For over 13 years, B&W CAM has been working to build positive peace and reduce domestic violence,
Experienced and respected, we have a proud track record of achieving change in fragile and conflict homes.
Building peace together
Our vision is that people and their societies can resolve conflicts without violence, working together to build sustainable and inclusive peace.
Our mission is to break cycles of violence and to build sustainable peace by:
working with people directly affected by violent conflict to find lasting solutions;
shaping policies and practices to reduce and prevent violence, and to support sustainable peace;
collaborating with all those striving for peace to strengthen our collective voice and impact.
B&W CAM was founded in 2007 to help people to prevent conflict and to find peaceful solutions to conflict.

Ethical commitment
We achieve this by
B&W CAM was founded in 2007 to help people to prevent conflict and to find peaceful solutions to conflict.
At that time, there was not an open conflict but there was an alarming increase in the number of professional uprises, hunger uprises within Cameroon. Both types of conflict were undermining development and leading to gross violations of human rights. Identifying and highlighting individual abuses of human rights was not enough; a different approach was desperately needed. It was out of this urgency that B&W CAM was initiated with the cooperation of Black and White initiative in Germany.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years.

Ethical commitment
Our ethics are based on the relationship between our purpose, values and principles, all of which are reflected in our choices and actions.
Our purpose is to contribute to peace, and inspire, inform, support and enhance the efforts of others to do so.
By ‘peace’, we mean the capacity within and between societies to anticipate and manage conflicts without violence, while collaborating to improve people’s lives. This means that people see processes and outcomes relating to governance, safety, livelihoods, justice and wellbeing as fair, and that people trust each other and those in power, and work together for their mutual benefit.
We achieve this by
Working with people directly affected by conflict to find peaceful solutions
Shaping policies and practices to support peace
Collaborating with all those striving for peace to strengthen our collective voice and impact
We value:
Progress, because no society is perfect and each contains both the need and opportunities for improvement
Fairness, because everyone should have access to opportunities and should not be treated arbitrarily, nor discriminated against, because of status or identity
Respect, because everyone should be valued and respected as a person with inalienable human rights and their own values and views
Inclusion, because the participation and collaboration of people with diverse and complementary knowledge and perspectives is critical for cohesion and the quality of outcomes
Openness about intentions and actions, because this is an essential element of trust, accountability and collaboration
We recognise and respect that these can be broad ideas, subject to interpretation. But woven together, they clarify each other. For example, while ‘progress’ is widely interpretable, its meaning is clear when interwoven with the concepts of fairness, inclusion, respect and openness.
A principle in this context is a statement fusing our purpose and values, providing dynamic guidance on how we work and how we make decisions. Sometimes there are tensions between principles, and at such times we need to reflect and discuss the case before determining a course of action.
We integrate the views and experiences of people into the design of policies and programmes that will affect them, and continue to do so as we learn and adapt.
We are clear and open about our intentions and plans, and how they contribute to peace.
We monitor the consequences of our actions, and discontinue or change any that are not contributing to peace.
We avoid increasing people’s risk of harm by our actions, though we respect the choices they make themselves.
We do not abuse the power that unequal relationships at times confer on us.
We will work with those who can make a difference for peace, even when we disagree with their ethics or actions – unless by so doing we contribute to harm, undermine peace or impede our or others’ ability to build peace.
We adopt a position of humility and do not take on roles or activities we cannot reasonably achieve, nor do we claim achievements and outcomes that are not our own.
We are committed to managing the money donated to us efficiently and effectively.
We receive most of our funds in the form of restricted (project) or unrestricted (general support) support from members, and in recent years, we have begun exploring fundraising from private individuals and companies.
We are members of UN CSO, participant of UN GLOBAL COMPACT, member of NAMATI COMMUNITY “Legal Empowerment Network”, Local Associations, ALLIANCE FOR PEACE BUILDING www.allianceforpeacebuilding.org/
Member of Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation (ANCSSC)
MOVENDI INTERNATIONALmovendi.ngo/the-issues/
Member of Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation (ANCSSC)
MOVENDI INTERNATIONALmovendi.ngo/the-issues/